UAE Driving License Valid Countries
June 26, 2024Road Safety Rules in the UAE
On July 1, 2017, the UAE’s revised federal traffic legislation went into force. The new traffic rules in the UAE are intended to further safeguard the lives of motorists and lower the number of traffic fatalities from around 6 per 100,000 people to 3 per 100,000. Some road safety rules to keep in mind include the following:
Wearing seat belts at all times
All passengers, even those in the backseat, have to wear their seatbelt. If they don’t, the driver will be fined AED 400 and will receive four black points. A child safety seat is required for kids under four years old. Infringers will receive four black points and a 400 AED fine. Also, the passenger in the front seat needs to be at least 145 cm tall and no younger than ten years old.
Avoiding reckless driving
Driving irresponsibly carries a 2,000 AED fine, 23 black points, and a 60-day vehicle impoundment. Drivers who put the lives of other people in danger will face the same penalties and fines. Additional infractions include driving without a license plate, abruptly swerving, impeding traffic, and jumping red lights.
Avoiding driving under the influence
Drivers who are found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will have their licenses suspended for a year. The fine and/or prison sentence will be decided by the court.
Respecting traffic lights
Motorcyclists and drivers who run red lights will pay a fee of AED 1,000, receive 12 black points, and have their cars confiscated for a month.
Avoiding distractions
Distractions, such as using a phone while driving, can result in an AED 400 fine and four black points.
Respecting the speed limit
AED 3,000 in fines, 23 black points, and a 60-day auto impoundment await drivers who violate the speed limit by 80 km/h.
Maintaining proper driver behavior
Among the infractions of driver behavior are the following: Failing to fasten seatbelt, not leaving a safe distance between cars, swarming around accident scenes, riding a quad bike on the road, strolling without looking, breaking safety and technical regulations, utilizing worn-out tires, operating a loud vehicle, or driving without insurance, among others.
Road Signs In The UAE
The United Arab Emirates’ Road Traffic Authority (RTA) in Dubai and the Department of Transport (DoT) in Abu Dhabi oversee road signs, which include regulatory signs, mandatory signs, prohibition signs, parking control signs, warning signs, temporary signs, information signs, highway signs, and hazard markers, among others.
Common Rules & Regulations
Some of the most common rules and regulations to adhere to when operating a vehicle in the UAE are the following:
- Wear your seatbelt,
- respect speed limits,
- avoid using your phone,
- do not drive under the influence,
- do not drive with expired tires,
- do not tint your windows with a density of more than 50%,
- avoid noise pollution,
- no driving without valid documents,
- do not crowd accident sites,
- do not drive passengers illegally,
- do not swerve abruptly,
- and do not drive recklessly.
Anticipated Changes & New Traffic Rules in UAE in 2024
Amendments to the federal legislation governing the weights and dimensions of heavy trucks have been introduced by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI), marking a significant step towards maintaining road safety and mitigating the effect of these vehicles on the UAE’s roadways. The most significant change is the setting of a 65-ton maximum weight limit for heavy vehicles, which will take effect in 2024. The purpose of these new weight restrictions is to improve road safety and lower the possibility of collisions involving large cars.
There is a lot of significance in the employment of cutting-edge technology to check adherence to the new standards. 24 smart gates will be equipped with electronic sensors and 3D laser scanners, which have a 98% accuracy rate. This will allow the monitoring of heavy vehicle weight, dimensions, and numbers without requiring manual inspections. There will be a four-month grace period during which these gates will be built and erected. There will also be 12 electronic portals run by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and another 12 portals run by the Integrated Transport Center of Abu Dhabi. Effective enforcement of the new restrictions will be greatly improved by this extensive electronic monitoring system.
In conclusion, understanding and adhering to traffic rules in the UAE is crucial for ensuring road safety and promoting a harmonious transportation environment. As this article has outlined, the comprehensive knowledge of speed limits, traffic signs, and local regulations is essential for both residents and visitors alike. By following these guidelines, individuals contribute to the overall well-being of the community and help create a safer and more efficient road network. Whether you are behind the wheel or a pedestrian, being aware of and respecting the traffic rules not only prevents accidents but also upholds the principles of responsible and considerate driving. Ultimately, embracing and abiding by these regulations fosters a culture of road safety, making the streets of the UAE safer for everyone.
Traffic Rules in the UAE: FAQs
What is the main driving rule in the UAE?
The most crucial thing to keep in mind when driving in Dubai is to abide by the traffic laws: never text or talk on the phone while operating a vehicle, never tailgate or overtake in an unsafe manner, and never drive on the hard shoulder. Those who violate the traffic regulations may face harsh penalties from the emirate, including incarceration or deportation.
What are the safety rules in UAE?
The following are among the most important safety and traffic rules in the UAE:
- To shield yourself against penalties and crashes, always wear your seatbelt.
- Put your phone away and focus on the road!
- Remain composed and don’t go above the speed limit.
- Do not drive when your health is at risk and when you are intoxicated!
- Avoid the error of operating a vehicle without the necessary paperwork!
- In the UAE, it is forbidden to drive people in exchange for cash.
- Driving carelessly can have a serious cost to you and other people’s safety!
- Do not follow the car in front of you too closely.
- Check that the alterations you make to your automobile don’t cause noise violations.
- Stay away from road racing and only use fast lanes when absolutely required!
What is the red light rule in UAE?
A driver in Dubai, UAE faces a 1,000 AED punishment if they are found to have crossed a red light. Drivers are strongly discouraged from attempting to run a red light since doing so might put their lives and the lives of other road users in peril. This substantial fee acts as one such deterrent.
What is a serious traffic violation in UAE?
One of the most serious traffic violations in the UAE is exceeding the speed limit. Not only can you be fined, but you will also have black points on your UAE Driving License and your car might be confiscated. For instance, if you go over the posted speed limit by more than 80 km/h, you might face a fine of AED 3000, 23 black points, and perhaps have your license and car seized for 60 days. If you exceed the posted speed limit by more than 60 km/h, you will be fined AED 3,000, receive 12 black points, and have your car seized for 30 days. If you go over the speed limit by less than 60 km/h, you will be fined AED 1500, receive 6 black points, and have your car impounded for 15 days.
What are the speed limit rules in UAE?
For light vehicles in the UAE, speed limits range between 25 km/h to 160 km/h depending on where you are driving. For instance, you are expected to maintain a speed limit of 25 km/h in parking areas and service roads. In an urban single-carriageway, the speed limit ranges between 40 and 60 km/h. In rural roads, speed limits vary between 80 and 160 km/h. On freeways, speed limits range between 60 and 120 km/h.